Sunday, 1 May 2011

Posts on Possession

When and what kind of updates will be posted?

Technique Tuesday postings, including an essay regarding a particular BDSM technique or style will be posted once per week by kitkat, with postings from Tatsujin on the topic for that Tuesday posted that evening or the following day.

Review Thursday postings, including a review of a purchased item, home-made item or pervertable will be posted once per week by kitkat, with postings from Tatsujin on the topic for that Thursday posted that evening or the following day.

Weekend Musings postings of a more philosophical bent, will be posted by kitkat and Tatsujin each weekend.  These will often, though not always, be themed.

Feedback Friday postings, including replies, responses, essays from others and answers to questions submitted by readers either in comments or via email, will be posted whenever applicable.  In other words, if you want to see a posting, you have to send us questions or feedback!

BDSMedia postings, including information from movies, books and other media outlets that reference BDSM in any or all of it's forms will be posted whenever we run across anything interesting.

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